Ed-  When I think of the Heart, I think of God.  “From the Heart” happens when I am connected to God and I am living with softness of heart.  Softness of heart and purity of heart is the feeling of wholesomeness and oneness where I am happy with myself, in touch with myself, and I can share the real me with you.  It is also the time where I can listen totally, even when you are sharing what otherwise might be taken as a criticism.  Lover, everything in our family ripples out from our couple heart.

Betty- When I visualize that the couple is the heart of the family, I picture a family getting their portrait done. The couple is in the middle surrounded by their children – all are smiling and connected by affection. Each person is looking out at the world and almost saying here I am as a gift to others and here is our family as a sign of hope and love.

Ed- The best things always happen when our heart beats as one.  We are a fine well-oiled machine as you say, and it is not possible for the kids to divide and conquer us.  They can’t play one against the other.  We have clarity of thought and purpose and commitment, so our actions and our modeling speak louder than words when we are living “Couple Heart of the Family”.

Betty- It sets the tone for how to treat others with caring, kindness and respect by our example. The children witness this in how we as Mom and Dad treat each other and how that filters down to how we treat them. There is listening with the heart and talking in a way that the other person wants to listen. It encourages heavy discussions that lead to working things out and asking forgiveness if feelings are hurt, and lots and lots of affection.

Ed- We hope this inspires you to see how you are living as the heart of your family!

Marriage Encounter Weekend: A virtual experience in the comfort of your home. February 18-20, 2022